Sunday, 15 May 2011

ansys v13 install guides

are you trying to install ansys v13 on windows 7 and  FLEXlm server refuses to run?
here is the solution
First of all  install Hummingbird Exceed 2008 (google it) 
then follow these instructions

0) Disconnect internet and switch off windows firewall
1) Install (right click and Run as admin) setupLM.exe (Disable RSS feed)
2) When it is partly installed, and asks whether to install the Licence file, Run ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility under Start/Programs/Ansys/Ansys Client Licensing
3) Click on 'Display the License Server Machine Hostid'
4) Copy Hostname and Flexid, close the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility
5) Generate the license.txt file from the provided crack. Edit license.txt and the 2nd series of characters is the HOSTNAME and the 3rd series is FLEXID
6) Replace HOSTNAME and FLEXID with the ones copied at step 4 (if they are not the same). 

7) When installing the Ansys_LM, Step 2, Automatically specify the local machine as the license server -> continue
8) Step 3, Automatically start the license manager -> continue (it will be successful).

9) Run PreReqCheck.exe and check if any is required
10) Run InstallPreReq.exe and install that is required
11) Run PreReqCheck.exe again, nothing should be required

12) Install setup.exe (Disable RSS feed)
13) Skip all configurations and continue, extractions should start
14) browse to next disc content location, once first is over

15)Start Ansys, run it. It should work.
16) Restart PC, check if Ansys is still working, if yes it will work from now onwards. Switch on windows firewall. U can install antivirus.



Anonymous said...

it's working. ty

junaid123 said...

what is the purpose of humming bird exceed here?

junaid123 said...

I have tried exactly your procedure but still Flexlm is not running...and as a result fluent is giving this error:
"Cannot find license file.
The license files (or license server system network addresses) attempted are
listed below. Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file,
or contact your software provider for a license file.
Feature: fluent
Filename: \AMC\E$\SOFTWA~2\ANSYS1~1\ANSYSI~1\v130\fluent\license
License path: \AMC\E$\SOFTWA~2\ANSYS1~1\ANSYSI~1\v130\fluent\license -

FLEXnet Licensing error:-1,359. System Error: 2 "No such file or directory"
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,
available at "".

ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR:Could not connect to any license server.
The server is down or is not responsive.
FLEXlm Servers: 1057@amc

Hit return to exit."
What should I do? Thanks 4 ur kind suggestion